Free Gengar Crochet Pattern

Pattern details:

• Gengar is around 15cm tall

• You can use any yarn and hook size but cotton is recommended

• This is an intermediate level pattern


Materials and Tools Needed:

• 3mm crochet hook 

• 2 x 50g skeins of cotton yarn in purple 

• Stitch markers

• Scissors

• Yarn/tapestry needle

• Poly stuffing for toy making

• Felt sheets (or whatever face detailing materials you prefer)


Row 1: MR 6 (6)

Row 2: 6 inc (12)

Row 3: (sc, inc) x 6 (18)

Row 4: (2 sc, inc) x 6 (24)

Row 5: (3 sc, inc) x 6 (30)

Row 6: (4 sc, inc) x 6 (36)

Row 7: (5 sc, inc) (42)

Row 8: sc all around (42)

Row 9: (6 sc, inc) x 6 (48)

Rows 10-11: sc all around (48)

Row 12: 7(sc, inc) x 6 (54)

Rows 13-14: sc all around (54)

Row 15: (8 sc, inc) x 6 (60)

Rows 16-17: sc all around (60)

Row 18: (9 sc, inc) x 6 (66)

Rows 19-20: sc all around (66)

Row 21: (9 sc, dec) x 6 (60)

Row 22-23: sc all around (60)

Row 24: (8 sc, dec) x 6 (54)

Row 25-26: sc all around (54)

Row 27: (7 sc, dec) x 6 (48)

Row 28: sc all around (48)

Row 29: (6 sc, dec) x 6 (42)

Row 30: sc all around (42)

Row 31: (5 sc, dec) x 6 (36)

Row 32: (4 sc, dec) x 6 (30)

Row 33: (3 sc, dec) x 6 (24) (start stuffing firmly)

Row 34: (2 sc, dec) x 6 (18)

Row 35: (sc, dec) x 6 (12)

Row 36: 6 dec (6)

Fo. Weave in any ends.




Row 1: MR 5 (5)

Row 2: inc, 4 sc (6)

Row 3: inc, 2 sc, inc, 2 sc (8)

Row 4: 8 sc (8)

Row 5: (1 sc, inc) x 4 (12)

Row 6: 12 sc (12)

Row 7: (2 sc, inc) x 4 (16)

Row 8: sc all around (16)

Row 9: (3 sc, inc) x 4 (20)

Row 10: sc all around (20)

 Row 11: (4 sc, inc) x 4 (24)

Row 12: sc all around (24)

Row 13: (5 sc, inc) x 4 (28)

Row 14: 14 sc, 14 hdc, sc, slip (28)

Fo. Leave long tail for attaching to head. Make 2.

Stuff the ears lightly, pin the the top of the head (where you started) with approx. 8 stitches (4 on either side of the MR) apart. The side with the hdc should be at the front. Stitch into place.

Middle Head spike

Row 1: MR 4

Row 2: inc, 3 sc (5)

Row 3: 2 inc, 3 sc (7)

Row 4: 2 inc, 5 sc (9)

Row 5: 7 sc, 2 dec (7)

Fo. Leave a long tail for attaching to the body.

Optional: Make 16 more of these spikes to go down Gengar’s back.



Small head Spikes

Row 1: MR 4 (4)

Row 2: inc, 3 sc (5)

Row 3: 2 inc, 2 sc, dec (6)

FO. Leave a long yarn tail for attaching to the body. Make 2.

This photo shows the 3 spikes of Gengar's head sewn in between the ears previously placed.

Pin the spikes onto the head so that they point backwards (hdc side towards the face). Stitch into place.


Row 1: MR 8 (8)

Row 2: 8 inc (16)

Row 3: FLO- (1 sc, inc) x 8 (24)

Row 4: sc all around (24)

Row 5: inc, (3 sc, inc) x 2, 9 sc, dec, 4 sc (26)

Row 6: sc, 11 hdc, 14 sc (26)

Row 7: 12 hdc, 14 sc (26)

Row 8: 12 hdc. Turn work, chain 1 (skip first loop) 11 hdc

Row 9: Turn work, chain 1 (skip first loop) 10 hdc

Row 10: Turn work, chain 1 (skip first loop) 9 hdc, 5 sc, dec, 9 slip st, dec, 4 sc, slip st.

FO. Leave a long tail for attaching. Make 2.

This photo shows the leg of Gengar complete but still on the crochet hook

Note for row 10- the 5 sc will go down the edge of the turned rows, then the round continues in this direction. The 4 sc near the end go up the edge on the other side.


This photo shows the legs pinned into place at the base of Gengar's body. The legs are approx 3 fingers width below the bottom of each ear.

This photo shows ways the legs can be attached- one leg is up and the other leg is facing straight down

Pin the legs onto the body at the similar distance apart as the ears, the tall side being the hip. I pinned mine lightly, stitched 3/4 along then stuffed through the gap before closing. This gives a seamless look.



Row 1: Chain 4, 2 sc, inc3 (3 sc into one st), now working on the other side of the foundation chain- 2 sc, inc3 (10) (tutorial here)

Row 2: 3 sc, inc, 4 sc, inc (12)

Row 3: sc all around (12)

Row 4: (1 sc, inc) x 2, 4 sc, dec, 2 sc (13)

Rows 5-6: sc all around (13)

Row 7: (2 sc, inc) x 2, 4 sc, dec, 1 sc (14)

Rows 8-9: sc all around (14)

Row 10: 3 sc, (1 sc, inc) x 3, 1 sc. Turn work, chain 1, (skip first loop) 6 hdc

Row 11: Turn work, chain 1. (skip first loop) 5 hdsc, 4 sc, 9 slip st, 3 sc, 1 slip st

FO. Leave a long tail for attaching/ Make 2.

This photo shows one of Gengar's arms pinned in placed at the side of the body. There is a small gap between the leg and the arm and the arm and the ear

Pin arms into place at the slides of the body, 1 row below where the each ear ends. Stitch into place. You can either pin them facing down as shown, or upside down so his arms go back.


Fingers and Toes

Row 1: MR 5 (5)

FO. Leave a short tail for attaching. Make 12.


This photo shows 3 toes placed on one of Gengar's feet. They are very close together.


Pin the fingers and toes in place before carefully stitching in place.



Row 1: MR 4 (4)

Row 2: inc, 3 sc (5)

Row 3: inc, 4 sc (6)

Row 4: (sc, inc) x 3 (9)

Row 5: sc all around (9)

Row 6: (2 sc, inc) x 3912 (12)

Row 7: sc all around (12)

Row 8: (2 sc, inc) x 4 (16)

Row 9: sc all around (16)

Row 10: (3 sc, inc) x 4 (20)

Row 11 : (4 sc, inc) x 4 (24)

Row 12: sc all around (24)

Row 13: (3 sc, inc) x 6 (30)

Row 14: (4 sc, inc) x 6 (36)

FO. Leave a long tail for attaching.

Pin the tail in place at the back, then stitch in place. I didn't stuff until I had stitched 3/4 along, same as with the legs.


This photo shows the eyes have been needle felted on the front. The eyes are a little above bottom of the arms with an approx 2 finger width gap between each eye

For the face, I did needle felting. You could also trace the face onto paper, then use these cut outs to make the face details out of felt sheets.


This photo shows the completed crocheted Gengar outside after sunset